

Sharing: Early Step to Develop Compassion and Generosity

“This is mine!” “Miss, he doesn’t want to share his toys” “Miss, she always keep her toys!” This word sound familiar, especially for preschool teacher. Not only at school, parents also meet this situation at home when their child doesn’t want to share the toys with their sibling or peers. Why these things can happen? [...]

2017-10-06T06:07:13+08:00June 8th, 2017|

3rd Art & Music Appreciation Show

This year the school organized our 3rd Art & Music Appreciation Night. It was again a very good opportunity for the students to show their talent in music and art. We had on stage individual and group performances by students who were selected from grade 5 and above.  Besides that, we had more than 70 [...]

2017-10-06T06:06:58+08:00November 15th, 2016|

Indonesian Independence Day Celebration

  Time flew away remarkably fast when it was filled with excessive fun and learning activities happening across the campus over the last two months in Lollypop Preschool. On Friday 19th August 2016, Lollypop Preschool celebrated Indonesian Independence Day with magnificent enthusiasm buzzed heavily in the air. The children camein red and white as to [...]

2017-10-06T06:06:37+08:00September 15th, 2016|

Indonesian Week Grade 7 Collaborative Painting Project

To join SLK the past three months have been exciting for me. Having coming from a similar British education background, it has been a very interesting experience to be able to share the knowledge in a Cambridge system school in Bali - where I come from. Some of the subjects I took in high school [...]

2017-10-06T06:06:18+08:00September 15th, 2016|

10 Ways to Motivate Your Child to Do Better in School

By Debbie Pincus, MS LMHC “My son is a smart kid, but he doesn’t work hard in school. Now the teacher said he’s in danger of getting F’s in most of his subjects.” “My daughter just does enough to get by, instead of trying her best. When I talk to her about how important it [...]

2017-10-06T06:06:04+08:00September 15th, 2016|

Mau tahu apa rahasia para pelajar berprestasi? Ini dia rahasianya:

Mau tahu apa rahasia para pelajar berprestasi? Ini dia rahasianya: 1. Jadilah seorang pemimpin. Latihlah rasa tanggung jawabmu. Apabila guru meminta bantuanmu untuk mengerjakan sesuatu misalnya membersihkan kelas, jangan ragu untuk menerimanya. Ajak beberapa teman kelas dan pimpin mereka untuk membersihkan kelas bersama-sama. 2. Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan baik. Jawablah setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh [...]

2017-10-06T06:05:44+08:00August 30th, 2016|

5 Cara Menjadi Pelajar Berprestasi Di Sekolah dan Sukses Di Kehidupan Nyata

Mau menjadi pelajar yang berprestasi di sekolah serta sukses di kehidupan nyata? Siapa sih tidak mau. Ada banyak hal yang bisa didapatkan di sana. Mulai dari penghargaan oleh teman, guru dan membuat orangtua bahagia karena anak kesayangan mereka. Bukan hanya sekedar penghargaan, kualitas dan pencapian hidup pun akan pelajar dapatkan melebihi pencapaian hidup orang rata-rata. [...]

2017-10-06T06:05:31+08:00August 30th, 2016|