Community Services

Week 6 was community service week for grades 4-8. Like last semester, they visited Metta Mama Magha Orphanage, Panti Asuhan Anugrah, Panti Asuhan William Booth, Panti Asuhan Samaritania, Panti Asuhan Elishama, Panti Asuhan and Jodie O’ Shea Orphanage.

The objective of this project is to make students more sensitive and care about others. Students saved their money to buy much-needed items, such as toiletries, medicine, stationary, milk, etc. 

We were so happy to see the faces of the children, smiling and enjoying the act of giving.

Our students also felt deep empathy, some crying, upon seeing other children without parents. From this experience, our students are learning how to be grateful.

We hope by doing regular community service, these experiences can continue to touch their hearts and show our students how to be humble, thankful, and sensitive to others.